
Compare " more Plato" and "parent" at the same time. Can the text and the author both be dead at the same time? This is the fault, as Derrida points out, with binary logic. Both must exist at the same time, and yet both cannot exist at the same time, in the Western metaphysical scheme.

Text of "More Plato":

Plato, via Derrida, says that writing always says the same thing ( 136). This repetition makes writing non-viable, functionally dead.

If writing is thus dead, is it then up to the reader to resuscitate it? If writing always says the same thing, must it always mean the same thing? Not if readers imbue the text with meaning, making a text writerly, rather than readerly, alive rather than stagnant.

Text of "parent":

Unfortunately, the text has killed off this parent.

The author/father is dead and the text must speak for itself.

Derrida 91, 143-144.

Useful links:

Derrida's Answer


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