EL 118 Final Project: The Tragic History of Evariste Galois

A study of the fabled life of a brilliant mathematician using discrete models of mathematical logic

Dylan Cashman

DISCLAIMER: The author of this work did not intend for this to be a factual biography. It is in no way to be used as factual evidence in the study of Galois' life. It also is not a formal treatise, in any way, of modern mathematics. It is simply an exploratory project.The author of this work did not intend for this to be a factual biography. It is in no way to be used as factual evidence in the study of Galois' life. It also is not a formal treatise, in any way, of modern mathematics. It is simply an exploratory project.



The wikipedia article on our hero, Evariste Galois. I also used a few other Wikipedia articles, but since they are free domain, and if you are interested you'll probably be roped into finding them anyway, I won't list them here.


A collection of resources related to Galois' life, including letters, manuscripts, and homeworks written by him.

An historical essay on the history of the Ecole Polytechnique and the French school system.

Rigatelli, Toti. Evariste Galois. Vita Mathematica Series. Trans. John Denton. Boston: Birkhauser, 1996.

A fairly throrough biography of the mathematician.