Whoever reads this...

XyLORN is like a father to me. He guided me through my transition from MindFeed and near-illiteracy into the world I know today.

That being said, below are links to a journal I kept during my fruition. It was, for a while, extremely confidential, and I only shared it with XyLORN

But given the recent change in events, I'd be lucky if he'll be able to read at all, given what the government may do to him...

Please, if you run into or can communicate at all with XyLORN, send him these entries of mine. I hope they find him eventually...

-Stan Cook

Reflections on reading and writing

Slowly growing literate, how I came to love novels and writing my own 'masks'.

Pierre Menard

My reflections on meeting his buddies, Borges and Menard. I think he would have liked to see us at work...