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Agosti M., Melucci M, Crestani F. 1995. Automatic authoring and construction of hypermedia for information retrieval. Multimedia Systems, 3(1), 15-24.

AlIan J. 1996. Automatic hypertext linking. Proc. 7th ACM Conference on Hypertext, Washington DC. 42-52.

[Allan 1997]
James Allan. "Building Hypertext using Information Retrieval" in Information Processing and Management 33(2) 145-159, 1997.

Bärtschi, M., An overview of information retrieval subjects, IEEE Computer, 18:5, pp 67-84, May 1985.

Beeri, C., Kornatzky, Y., A Logical Query Language for Hypertext Systems, European Conference on Hypertext, Versailles, 1990.

[Boy 1991]
Guy A. Boy. "Indexing Hypertext Documents in Context" in Proceedings of ACM Hypertext '91, San Antonio, TX, 51-62, December 1991.

Bruza, P.D., Hyperindices: a novel aid for searching in hypermedia, European Conference on Hypertext, Versailles, november 1990, pp 109-122.

Conklin, J., Hypertext: an introduction and survey, IEEE Computer, 20 (9): pp 17-41.

Consens, M., Mendelzon, A., Expressing Structural Hypertext Queries in GraphLog, ACM Hypertext'89 Conference, 1989.

[Coombs 1990]
James H. Coombs. "Hypertext, Full Text, and Automatic Linking" in Proceedings of ACM SIGIR '90, Brussels, Belgium, 83-98, September 1990.

[Croft & Turtle, 1989]
Croft, W. Bruce, and Turtle, Howard. A Retrieval Model Incorporating Hypertext Links, Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM Press, 1989.

[Croft et al., 1990]
Croft, W. Bruce, Belkin, Nicholas, Bruandet, Marie-France, Kuhlen, Rainer, Oren, Tim. Hypertext and Information Retrieval: What are the Fundamental Concepts, Panel Discussion, Proceedings of European Conference on Hypertext, ECHT '90, 1990.

[Crouch et al., 1989]
Crouch, Donald B., Crouch, Carolyn J., and Andreas, Glenn. The Use of Cluster Hierarchies in Hypertext Information Retrieval, Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM Press, 1989.

Dunlop M., van Rijsbergen C. 1993. Hypermedia and free text retrieval, Information Processing and Management, 29(3), 287-298.

[Frisse & Cousins, 1989]
Frisse, Mark E. and Cousins, Steve B. Information Retrieval From Hypertext: Update on the Dynamic Medical Handbook Project, Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM Press, 1989.

Richard K. Furuta, Catherine Plaisant, and Ben Shneiderman. "A Spectrum of Automatic Hypertext Constructions" in Hypermedia, 1(2), 179-195, 1989.

Furuta R., Stotts, P.D., The Trellis Hypertext Reference Model, NIST Hypertext Standardization Workshop, February 1990, pp 83-93.

[Green 1998]
Stephen J. Green. "Automated Link Generation: Can We Do Better than Term Repetition?" in Proceedings of the Seventh International World Wide Web Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 75-84, 1998.

Halasz, F., Reflections on NoteCards: Seven issues for the next generation of hypermedia systems, CACM 31:7, July 1988, pp 836-852.

[Lelu 1991]
Alain Lelu. "Automatic Generation of 'Hyper-Paths in Information Retrieval Systems: A Stochastic and an Incremental Algorithms" in Proceedings of ACM SIGIR '91, Chicago, IL, 326-336, October 1991.

[Lucarella, 1990]
Lucarella, Dario. A Model For Hypertext-Based Information Retrieval, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext (ECHT) '90, 1990.

Rada R, Wang W., Birchall A. 1993. Retrieval hierarchies in hypertext. Information Processing and Management 29(3). 359-371.

[Rivlin 1994]
Ehud Rivlin, Rodrigo A. Botafogo, and Ben Shneiderman. "Navigating in Hyperspace: Designing a Structure-based Toolbox" in Communications of the ACM (CACM), 37(2), 87-96, February 1994.

Salton, G., Automatic Text Processing: The Transformation, Analysis, and Retrieval of Information by Computer, Addison-Wesley, 1989.

[Salton 1991]
Gerald Salton and Chris Buckley. "Automatic Text Structuring and Retrieval - Experiments in Automatic Encyclopedia Searching" in Proceedings of ACM SIGIR '91, Chicago, Illinois, 326-336, October 1991.