Poststructuralism and postmodernism have provided strong critiques on teleological accounts of production of (feminist) theories, as well as on a rigid categorisation of (feminist) epistemologies. Traditional feminist historiography, as found in many printed books and academic courses, tends to invoke a uniform timeline where it is usually argued that 'first there was the first feminist wave and liberal feminism, then we had marxist and socialist critiques, then there was the second feminist wave and eventually Black and queer feminism developed'. This account is very white and middle-class biased. Furthermore, feminist theory often reductively gets divided in the mutually exclusive categories of empirical, standpoint and postmodern theories, not allowing for intellectually firtile cross-overs. This project then, through the uses of the qualities of this particular new medium, tries to integrate, heterogenise and delinearise the feminist body of knowledge.

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